Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Belly - King free essay sample
This elective band from Rhode Island has become showbiz royalty King, their subsequent CD. All-around magnificent, this chronicle has an extraordinary assortment with something to fulfill all. From their cheery, quick paced singles to the quiet, loosening up tracks, an extraordinary assortment transforms King into a champ. Thoughtout, incredible verses defeat the solid, designed irregularity with the guitars and percussion. The two vocalists (Tanya Donelly and Gail Greenwood) have excellent voices of wide ranges. All the melodies on King have a typical sound, each figures out how to catch this solidarity and still remain all alone. Some are moving, some are fun, as they all pass on various states of mind and feelings. Its difficult to pick top choices. With this CD in the sound system, its similarly as compensating to squeeze play for what it's worth to select singles from memory. Pubescence is lively and perky. Seal my Fate is moderate and consoling (my top pick), just like The Bees. We will compose a custom paper test on Paunch King or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The title track is quick and inciting. Im sure everybody will wind up picking an alternate mix of top choices. This CD has become my top choice. I play it whenever and be content. It has melodies for when youre discouraged, tunes for when youre excited, and tunes to chime in to. I purchased King for Superconnected and Now Theyll Sleep, yet its different tunes that are the genuine features on this elective artful culmination
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How technology today affects a student's success Research Paper
How innovation today influences an understudy's prosperity - Research Paper Example The innovative gadgets, including basic apparatus based applications, video gadgets, online archives, PCs and handheld gadgets, have discovered wide application in different learning foundations and among understudies over the globe. In this way, this examination paper targets breaking down how innovation has made understudies experience accomplishment through openness of materials, decision of advantageous learning styles and upgrade of mechanical capability. Innovation makes learning materials accessible to understudies, in this manner more noteworthy access, which builds the collection of information from which understudies gain from. Internet browsers give understudies chances to discover data regarding whatever matter. Truth be told, they give more present materials than most school libraries do (Gemmill, and Peterson 281). Among the materials that understudies remain to profit by the Internet incorporate cutting-edge instructional exercises and research papers. Programming devi ces like spreadsheets, idea maps and databases permit these understudies to sort out and assess whatever information they get to on the web. Moreover, the got to materials instruct understudies to make work that portrays a high feeling of demonstrable skill, in this way growing the information on such understudies. Another significant data which innovation, especially the Internet, gives remember examination data for different learning organizations (Rambe 272). When looking for an establishment that would meet a studentââ¬â¢s needs, it is basic to get data on the different accessible alternatives. The Internet gives data on the area, fortes and charges structure of such organizations. Besides, the worldwide rankings of such organizations assist understudies with settling on educated decisions regarding which foundation to join. Legitimate choices improve the attractive execution among understudies. Also, innovation gives progressively advantageous learning approaches which make learning agreeable and thus support studentsââ¬â¢ fixation in scholastics. In homerooms, numerous educators have embraced advanced media to cultivate studentsââ¬â¢ aptitudes. As per (Muir-Herzig 114), educators utilize mechanical applications to mimic true wonders to empower understudies execute legitimate assignments as genuine specialists would. Sound and video innovation invigorates youthful personalities which encourages learning. The joining of pictures, activity and sound makes media upgrade reviewing of fundamental realities among understudies just as improving their downplaying of frameworks viewed as perplexing. Innovation takes into account learning in a foundation of decision from whatever area on the planet through separation realizing which empowers understudies to adapt helpfully. The constructivist learning and instructing model refered to by Muir-Herzig (114) demonstrates that because of the multifaceted nature of errands achieved by innovation, studentsââ¬â ¢ inspiration to learn increments. For instance, as saw from an examination by Gulek and Demirtas (29), understudies utilizing workstations connect more in communitarian work than those without and additionally get persuaded recorded as a hard copy their assignments, delivering top notch work of more noteworthy length. They investigate points all alone, investing more energy taking a shot at their school ventures. The coordinated effort with different understudies through suitable stages, for example, internet based life empowers understudies to take advantage of the accessible chances (Rambe 272). Whatever the favored method of learning, understudies influence on innovation to
Friday, August 21, 2020
Psychology Of Financial Planning Investing - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine about the Psychology Of Financial Planning Investing. Answer: Earlier examinations uncover that dominant part of people are monetarily effective can be believed to have settled on brilliant money related choices for their entire life. At the beginning it very well may be said that monetary organizer are of the view that the previous individuals begin settling on shrewd choices, the sooner individuals become more acquainted with where they need to get to, and it is essential to have a key intend to show up there. The more extended individuals pause, the more individuals want to spare so as to show up at that objective. Basically, this rule is especially helpful for long haul investment funds targets. th current investigation means to proves the way that on the off chance that in the event that individuals expect to get settled in the years in front, at that point according to monetary organizers at that point presently is the opportune time to start to accept activities. By building up a sound money related arrangement in the here and now can ha ve a superior feeling of budgetary opportunity tomorrow. By and by, with each part of accounts tweaked to the aspirations, individuals can lay a pathway that is fundamentally clear just as simple to seek after. As appropriately showed by Austin et al., (2014), money related arranging can be viewed as valuable just as significant devices for uniquely youthful people hoping to create and upgrade their general resources in an offer to appreciate an agreeable monetary situation in after life. Basically, it is likewise huge that individuals select the privilege monetary organizer, together with the suitable income model to help with meeting the drawn out targets. The drawn out money related goal of youthful individual will as often as possible include improvement of advantages in an offer to appreciate a budgetary safe and made sure about monetary possibility. Additionally, numerous people inside the age of 25 years to 40 years neglect to put the structure hinders in an offer to accomplish their target. Greater part of the populace can imagine a brilliant future, anyway numerous people are basically not completing the fundamental arrangement. Lusardi Mitchell, (2017) suggests in the examination that money related arranging is compulsory for solid development of benefit and need not be deferred or disregarded by any youthful individual having enormous desire for the up and coming period. Notwithstanding, the most ideal approach to verify that individuals are on the correct way is to get arranging at the beginning period. Budgetary instruction isn't approved to be a piece of the school educational plan in New Zealand. A private trust named Enterprise New Zealand Trust has structured a far reaching budgetary training program for especially optional schools so as to create mindfulness with respect to money related arranging. Lusardi Mitchell, (2017) recommends that individual money related training at the auxiliary school level can help in making a commitment to development of the economy by progress of monetary proficiency. The administration in New Zealand established the Retirement Commission during the year 1993 so as to create just as convey individual money related training to all the New Zealanders. Numerous people feel that there is have to aggregate a particular otherworldly measure of riches satisfactory can be viewed as the equivocal term that they use before individuals can even start to reflect about money related arranging. This unquestionably brings up the issue what precisely is satisfactory. The administration attempts activities to monetarily teach individuals to dispose of wrong discernments. Agarwal et al., (2015) proposes that there is no base sum that individuals need earlier individuals start, on the grounds that the method of money related arranging isn't labeled to explicit numbers. The budgetary proficiency can assist New Zealanders with understanding the way that it is essential to know the current state and afterward learn their future money related state. As per Curl et al., (2014) this can be accomplished by checking out people resources, advances, profit just as exhausts before arranging the mandatory activities to help in accomplishing the future objecti ves. As indicated by an examination completed by OCBC Bank with 500 rising prosperous families, around 40% wanted to be educated about the way that it is never past the point where it is possible to start arranging since money related arranging is neither for present moment nor for the drawn out objectives. For common couple who are in their 30s, their goals incorporate buying a house, gaining the subsequent vehicle, paying for the instruction of the kids, putting something aside for retirement, and saving assets for mature age guardians. The couple can do well by investigating the multitudinous commitment of assorted instruments past fixed stores in particular unit believes, gift plans, and outside monetary standards at the hour of anticipating remote instruction for their children. Once more, so as to accomplish achievement throughout everyday life, monetarily arranging is crucial for all, especially for school graduates who will endure monetarily autonomously from their folks without precedent forever, experiencing elevated levels of expenses of living in lion's share of urban communities and limited measures of assets to get by as a green hand especially in their profession. School graduates are every now and again found out to accomplish dreams of a major habitation or a vehicle, h owever for the most part have no idea of the method for arriving (Davies, 2015).And understudies of New Zealand just accomplish a score of around 62% in tests on close to home money as they watch budgetary arranging help excessively ill defined, too itemized or, in all likelihood not profitable enough. Thusly, on the off chance that if prologue to especially monetary arranging can be planned according to the interests just as needs by understudies, school graduates can have the precise inspiration alongside information for obtaining control of their accounts and accomplish money related security by building smart choices from the earliest starting point. As indicated by overview concentrate by Boisclair et al., (2017), understudies lay incredible significance on the zones that convey financial security, for example, retirement arranging and an assessment of wellbeing and requirements of life coverage. Be that as it may, vehicles of positioning venture are urgent for accomplishment o f retirement arranging in the floor as they have deficient information on every one of these instruments together with the time estimation of cash. Along these lines, understudies additionally need to counsel organizer for speculation ahead. It will be simpler for them to spare that may appear to be unrealistic, build up specific objectives and think about likely arrangements after their graduation. Likewise, they can likewise prepare by setting up a rundown of the budgetary targets by recognizing needs just as timetables around tentative arrangements, approximating the sum fundamental to accomplish destinations and distinguishing the significant objectives in the occasion when cash in their grasp gets tight. For this reason they also can make an arrangement for sparing and learn the sum that the understudy means to put aside all the time so as to meet the destinations (Baker Ricciardi, 2014). In view of the discoveries, it very well may be therefore said that budgetary arranging is n't just for rich however for all. In like manner single experts additionally have need of budgetary arranging. Alluding to an occurrence can help in understanding the case. A solitary lady proficient functioning as partner teacher at a main University finished her doctorate and remains with father who is monetarily dependent. Once more, her vocation is basically requesting. Being single proficient and having no wards likewise makes her cheerful with respect to money related arranging and was reliant on father for this. In any case, her dad confronted a mishap and died. Other than enthusiastic misfortune, the money related existence of lighthearted young lady was in peril since she had no origination with respect to the best approach to deal with her funds. Joined Nations Development Program proclaims in a report that ladies performs around 67% of the universal tasks yet gain 10% of the all out worldwide pay and have roughly 1% of the all out global resources. Be that as it may, for this situation ladies get a low sco re in monetary proficiency (Hong Hanna, 2014). The SP Ratings Services Global Financial Literacy Survey for the year 2014 mirrors that there are sexual orientation holes in monetary proficiency. They can follow the activity plan of turning out to be mindful moneywise, oversee chances and create possibility support. Correspondingly, mid vocation wedded couple have a few dreams to satisfy at a given point in time. An occurrence shows that Ron and Sharon Beck matured 38 years split diverse cash errands. They didn't anyway talk about cash before their marriage; consequently dropped out on issues with respect to acquisition of investment property by contract installment upto half (Davies, 2015). Along these lines, for their situation money related arranging and exhortation of budgetary organizer is basic for accomplishing monetary similarity. Senior corporate officials too experience selective difficulties of money related arranging, as their monetary positions are fundamentally legitimately attached to especially accomplishment just as societies of the enterprise they work for.The intends to beat this test is to synchronize the projects of the organization with individual resources and budgetary goals of administrators. Lion's share of guides and monetary firms don't have this information (Agarwal et al., 2015). Thusly, it is fundamental that the ones who focus on working with corporate officials acknowledge corporate projects and perceive approaches to create plans that guarantee money related security of administrators in the long haul. Taking everything into account, in view of the examinations it tends to be said that money related arranging is a viable method for producing monetary similarity for New Zealanders in various stages and circles of life. Hence, so as to make monetary progress individuals at various domains can build up a solid premise by understanding issues of cash and taking an interest in issues of cash after legitimate money related arranging. References Agarwal, S., Amromin, G., Ben-David, I., Chomsisengphet, S., Evanoff, D. D. (2015). Money related proficiency and monetary arranging: Evidence from India.Journal of Housing Ec
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay Topics for University of Maryland College Park
Essay Topics for University of Maryland College ParkThere are several different kinds of university of Maryland college Park application essay topics. Most of the campus admissions officers read each application as a new document, and they require an essay to show a difference in character and experience from others on the campus.You can choose to submit a variety of essay topics. It is always good to write one that can be used throughout the college life. As long as it is conversational, and has some points to make, most college admissions officers would approve it. It can also be interesting to submit an essay that is a bit of a history lesson about why the applicant is special.This is an important step in the admissions process. It shows how much an applicant cares about their future. If they really feel they are special, it should be stated in an essay. However, the essays can be boring, so do not be afraid to add some humor. It is a good idea to use a lot of quotes from other pe ople's statements, because it gives you a chance to make the student appear smart.One of the more interesting essays is the one that covers the reasons why the applicant wants to attend a college. This type of essay is important, since this is what can determine whether or not the applicant gets in. An admissions officer will take the student's story as a whole and will read each part. If the applicant has no reason to not attend, they will reject the application.One great example of an applicant who got in was a student who wanted to go to a school for creative people and was happy to be at a place where he could meet his dreams. The writer's story centered around his goal to make his parents proud of him and how a school like this made his dream come true.If you don't feel like writing a formal essay, you can ask someone to read through them for you. One good approach would be to ask for a few chapters and then have them read through the entire application essay. If it seems well written, it is worth it to submit it. Although not everyone will get a good grade, you still want to show the college that you care about the college, and are willing to work hard to get in.When you are looking for college application essays, you want to select topics that are interesting, but also add some variety. It helps to think of this in terms of yourself, because these essays reflect your character. So make sure that you put thought into each topic you choose, and write a well-written essay that will tell the admissions officers why you are the best choice for the college.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Evaluation of the Company Nike - 1165 Words
Just Do It Ever since the 80ââ¬â¢s the brand Nike has practically owned the sports merchandise and clothing market. For as long as I can remember Nike has always made my favorite shoes and clothing. This has continued throughout my life up until today, I have easily accounted for over two thousand dollars worth of sales going to the company. Thinking about this made me really question whether my money is going to the right place. According to , there overall goal is to develop products that help athletes of every level of ability reach their potential, or to create business opportunities that set Nike apart from the competition and provide value for there shareholders ( If there promiseâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Nike has 85 people specifically dedicated to labor and environmental compliance, all located in countries where Nike products are manufactured ( -bad-image). Also, all potential suppliers must meet all conditions of being clean, safe and running smoothly according to a list of set specific guidelines. Besides just making sure their own factories are running smoothly and out of trouble. Nike also contributes funding and support to many non-profit organizations dedicated to improve the standards of workers in many developing countries. Nike has been able to eliminate most harmful chemicals that were once in its factories as well( Yet, still some major problems still exist within the company that some critics say is because Nike initiatives are still only money ( The majority of the suppliers owned by Nike are still located in many poor countryââ¬â¢s where much of same problems still exist. Workers may be making a little bit more than they did but it is still not much and the working conditions are not that good. Fiscally Nike is at the top of their class every year. In 2009 they were down two percent but still managed to pull in a revenue of 4.4 billion in total revenue. They are still way aboveShow MoreRelatedNike Feedback and Evaluation Strategies693 Words à |à 3 PagesNike Feedback and Evaluation Strategies Figure 1 - Nike Sports Performance Laboratory (Nelab, 2012) Nike is the worlds largest sports and fitness companies, earning fourteen billion dollars in revenue and has one of the worlds most identifiable logos the swoosh (Financial Review, N.d.). Research and development is conducted by the Nike Sports Research Laboratory (NSRL) and is located on the Nike campus in Portland, Oregon. At this facility, Nike engineers study all facets of athletes and theirRead MoreNike Crm971 Words à |à 4 PagesEvaluation of Nikeââ¬â¢s CRM programme Nikeââ¬â¢s Rationale for implementing CRM programme In nowadays business world, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an essential for a business strategy for every company. Our chosen company is Nike, one of the largest supplier of sportswear which include shoes and apparel. Implementation of CRM programme is a essential for every successful company. Customer Relationship Management is the core business strategy that integrates internal processes and functionsRead MoreStrategic Statements : Nike, And, Apparel, Equipment, Accessories And Accessories1274 Words à |à 6 Pagesbring new innovative products on the market. In order to keep the company on course successful businesses establish a mission, clarify values and identify a preferred vision. But what value is added to to the company, for the employees and for the customer by establishing strategic statements? This essay will discuss this question critically with supporting references. The company which will be used as an example is Nike, a company involved in the development, design, manufacturing, marketing andRead MoreControl and Mechanisms1449 Words à |à 6 PagesControl Mechanisms and Nike In the past few years, management, leadership, and control strategies in business organizations has emerged as key factors in determining the long-term success or ultimate failure of such organizations. One large well-known successful global company is Nike, who has demonstrated extreme success that can be directly attributed to management, leadership, and control strategies (Krentzman, 1997). Control mechanisms such as bureaucratic control, market control, clan controlRead MoreNike Strategic Plan1034 Words à |à 5 PagesProblem How can Nike continue to increase their sales and profitability, not only here in the U.S. but around the world? Nike also needs to improve their public image as well as their customer service to continue to be competitive in the apparel industry. Possible Action Alternatives 1) Continue expansion into global markets where competitors have been successful. There are huge opportunities for Nike to grow across multiple dimensions in terms of international expansion. Nike should take advantageRead MoreEnvironmental Scan Essays952 Words à |à 4 Pages September 17th, 2012 Environmental scanning is an organizationââ¬â¢s strategic management and is actual important to the corporation. Environmental scanning is getting-together data for the external and the internal of the company. A SWOTT is the paramount technique to gather the data. A SWOTT is defining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends of the business. à Environmental scanning can be defined as the procedure of collecting, examining, and assigningRead MoreNike And Nike Vs. Nike1268 Words à |à 6 PagesAdidas and Nike are two major athletic clothing companies on the market. The two brands are both commonly worn by athletes. Nike has endorsed some of the top athletes in the world. Take Michael Jordan for example, Nike created an entire brand off his name, ââ¬Å"Air Jordanââ¬â¢s.â⬠Adidas also has multiple athletes that advertise for them including soccer player David Beckham. The two companies have been in constant competition with their footwear and apparel for several years. Deciding between the two brandsRead MoreNike Plc1183 Words à |à 5 PagesNIKE, INC COMPANY PROFILE Nike, Inc. is the biggest producer of athletic apparel and footwear global by sales. Headquartered in One Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, USA, the company sells products through 346 retail outlets across and 343 stores outside the US with famous brands such as Nike, Converse and Umbro over 170 countries. It is employing 34,400 workers and has been being competed strongly by Adidas and Puma (Nike company website, 2010). ok For the last five years, Nikeââ¬â¢s revenue increased steadilyRead MoreNikes New Supply Chain Project1186 Words à |à 5 Pages1984, Nike owned just 16% of the athletic-shoe market, and for much of the 1980s it was running neck-and-neck with Reebok (Wilson 1). Now, with somewhere between 43-47% of that market, Nike is the undisputed leader. However, things are not perfect with the company. In the late 1990s, Nike began to see the results of many unresolved issues concerning competitive forces exterior to the company and a value chain, unrepresentative of its marketplace and enormous growth, interior to the company. BothRead MoreThe Ethics And Code Of Workplace Practices1683 Words à |à 7 Pagesorganization priorities by keeping the cost of the company intact and giving company the room for growth and increase productivity ( Attaran,attaran,2007) Sustainable development is a vehicle to permute many and varied corporate and institutional interest whilst giving impression of adherence to and observation of environmentally sound principles (David and Santillo 2007) BACKGROUND Nikes company issues was transparent ,perceive and concise ,Nike came under severe criticism from media over the ethics
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reviewing Downies Guidebook for Paris - 997 Words
write a two page essay explaining which locations and subjects were of interest to you. What specifically intrigued you and why are they important to tourism? How does a book like this prepare a tourist for their visit? Introduction Paris is a tantalizing place and Downie made it seem all the more so with his unique approach to describing it. It was quite difficult to select one specific place to explore since all seemed so tantalizing, but I eventually settled on the ÃŽle de Saint Louis as being the most attractive location. Many of the subjects and locations covered by Downie tantalized me. These were not only the more famous locations and topics such as the Seine, the Place des Vosges, Coco Chanel, and Vincent van Gogh, but even more insignificant locations. Tantalizing too was what Downie called the Paris underneath Paris (I..e all of the tunnels, nooks, crannies, and catacombs which lie under the city proper),. Loving the sea and water in general, I was attracted to The Boat People of the Seine, and would love to live (temporarily at least) amongst those who make their home and livelihoods on the pà ©niches (cargo-cum-houseboats) of Pariss waterways . Downies chapter on Night Walking was equally attractive in a different way. It is hard for me to choose any one site above another, but I would like to mix the famous sights such as Versailles and, of course, museums and ancient places with walks along the quiet quaint cobbled streets, and along the rivers with
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sherlock Holmes stories Essay Example For Students
Sherlock Holmes stories Essay Examine some of the story telling techniques in the Sherlock Holmes stories, which are used to hold the attention of the reader. How do the stories reflect the time in which they are written? Sherlock Holmes stories are mysteries. They are also short stories with only a limited amount of space and opportunity for the author to express himself. The whole narrative, or story, rests on the reader, through the person of Dr. Watson . We are seeing whats happening through Dr. Watsons eyes, we are piecing the clues together one at a time. The clues have to attract the reader; they have to make the reader want to read on. The pace of the story has to be sufficient to get the readers attention but the story still has to come to a climax. In all of the stories there is a moral ending. The good are rewarded and the evil punished, sometimes with a great jail sentence, as in The Red Headed League. The stories reflect the time they are written in a variety of ways. In 1880, when these stories were written, Sherlock Holmes was a household name he was known worldwide. Dr. Watson was similarly famous. Serious crime was much more widespread then today. There was no official police force; Scotland Yard was in its infancy. Holmes was therefore seen as a professional crime fighter, probably because he was a gentleman his reward was to get the crime solved a payment for solving them. Some of the most recent modern inventions of the time were in the stories e. g. the revolver and steam train. The beginnings of the Sherlock Holmes stories are designed to hook and engage the reader immediately. In The Speckled Band Watson introduces the case using retrospect. He tempts the reader by describing the case as one of the most unusual that he and Holmes ever had to investigate. He also adds that he has been bound by an oath of secrecy until the untimely death of the lady to whom the pledge was given. Mr. Conan Doyle prepares the reader for a dramatic and sinister story. Hints of strange, mysterious happenings occur from the outset of The Speckled Band I have reasons to know there are widespread rumours as to the death of Dr Grimesby Roylott which tend to make the matter even more terrible than the truth A similar style occurs in the middle in Silver Blaze. The action has already happened and unlike The Speckled Band, Holmes already knows a lot of the details. The Red-Headed League begins instantly with Watson interrupting Holmes and a very stout, florid faced, elderly gentlemen with fiery red hair. This man (Jabez Wilson) has already begun his story to Holmes. Now with Watson present Jabez Wilson tells the story again so we, the reader, hear the story for the first time, like Watson does. Conan Doyle uses flashbacks to explain what has led up to the mystery. Helen Stoner tells Holmes and Watson about her stepfather. The circumstances leading up to the disappearance of Silver Blaze are told to Watson as they travel down to Exeter on the train. Again Watson represents the reader . He hears what we want to know; he asks the questions that we want answered. In The Red Headed League the narrative is told by Jabez Wilson. As he talks, Watson inspects him closely he is a portly client who puffs out his chest with an appearance of some little pride There was nothing remarkable about the man. This shows that Watson does not really like him or have a lot of sympathy for him. He hints that Jabez is not very bright and that he is rather too pleased with himself. .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 , .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 .postImageUrl , .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 , .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397:hover , .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397:visited , .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397:active { border:0!important; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397:active , .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397 .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue88e85c72db42ecba3fc704877dae397:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gatsbyââ¬â¢s Dream EssayThis is unlike The Specked Band where Watson and Holmes are extremely sympathetic and attentive to Miss Stoner. They feel sorry for her straight away. Mysterious characters and events are used to add to the atmosphere of the suspense. The physical descriptions and appearances of Helen Stoner reflect the terrible things that have happened to her. Dr. Roylott is shown to be a dangerous and violent man, with reference to his past in India, by what he does to the local blacksmith, how he behaves in Holmess house, and the bruises on Miss Stoners hand.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Is Richard III a hero or a villain Essay Example
Is Richard III a hero or a villain Paper The play would probably not be a black comedy in this case. But as it is, Richmond is almost portrayed as a villain due to the fact that the audience has not had a chance to build a relationship with him, so does not know him, he brings the downfall of the male lead, the audiences friend. In many stories plays, the world may be peaceful, with no faults whatsoever; until the villain starts causing chaos. In these stories the people are happy, but there is one jealous bitter villain who is determined to spoil their fun. Richard perfectly fits the bill of this villain. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Richard III a hero or a villain specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Is Richard III a hero or a villain specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Is Richard III a hero or a villain specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Not only is he bitter jealous, but instead of isolating himself from society, he chooses to spoil everyone elses lives I that am rudely stamped want loves majesty since I cannot prove a lover I am determined to prove a villain and hate the idle pleasures of these days (lines 16-31, act 1 scene 1). This language shows his jealousy want loves majesty, his deep resentment rudely stamped, how instead of living letting live, he is determined to spoil the lives of others enjoy himself in the process since I cannot prove a lover I am determined to prove a villain, showing how he is vindictive, certainly a villainous quality. I think it is important that he uses the word determined, showing it is his true intent, more importantly, all this language shows his actions were not spur of the moment, but pre-meditated, well thought through. I know it is off the subject but Ian Mckellen gave this impression on screen- intelligent, not insane, thinking very clearly, showing his true intent. This is the way I perceive Richard, these qualities are villainous. In his pleading ( twisting) conversation with Anne, Richard shows he is manipulative audacious. He says to her Your beauty was the cause of that effect; your beauty: which did haunt me in my sleep he has the audacity to turn his heinous crimes around on her, when a real hero would show remorse, be pleading for forgiveness, having told the truth. This language is manipulative because not only does he blame the crimes on her your beauty but this is also a huge compliment, and thus an advance on Anne, achieving one of his aims. He even calls her bluff, when a real hero would be true Lo, here I lend thee with this sharp pointed sword. He is saying Here, kill me, if you dont love me. Richard knows she is not heartless enough to commit the crime, and knows that she loves him, and gains evidence of this through his calling her bluff. I dont think this calling her bluff is particularly villainous. It certainly shows him to be intelligent, as it shows he can read her emotions, but I think it does show a certain amount of risk, and therefore courage, on his part. There is every chance in the adrenaline of the scene that she could cut him, and his plan would have failed. However, he does have the courage to take risks, which could be perceived as a heroic or villainous quality. However, the main attribute he shows in this conversation is his manipulation, which most certainly is villainous. Richard is a war hero. He fought for his house in the war of the roses, and would not surrender his kingdom lightly to Richmond, even though he was eventually killed by him. This courage is a heroic quality, but perhaps an essential quality in a worthy villain. The courage in this case could prove to be of a worthy villain, rather than a valiant hero. An important factor, I feel, is the view of Niccolo Machiavelli, whose book of 1513, The Prince met much controversy. It stated that an ideal ruler should be ruthless controlling rather than religious and moral. Richard certainly does fit the bill of Machiavellis ideal ruler. So does that make him a hero? Perhaps it does, but perhaps Machiavelli acknowledged that a good king shouldnt be a hero, but a tyrant instead. It seems likely that Shakespeare will have based his play on Machiavellis work, thus making Richard suitable for the role of an ideal ruler in Machiavellis terms. Since this is most probably the case, this would count against Richard being a hero, since Im sure Machiavelli would not state that the ideal ruler is a hero. Over the course of the play, perhaps the main reason why Richard is a villain, he is directly responsible for the deaths of many people. He even betrayed his brother Clarence into having his confidence, then having him imprisoned then killed. All this time, he didnt even have the courage to admit what he was doing. He made him defenceless, by locking him in the Tower of London, and then had him killed; all the while leading him to believe Richard was his closest friend. He was also responsible for arranging the murders of: King Henry VI, Prince Edward, Rivers, Grey, Vaughn, Hastings, Lady Anne; although there was no evidence of this Richard implies it Rumor it abroad That Anne, my wife, is very grievous sick Anne, at this time of the play is his wife. This language Im sure is delivered in a very brazen fashion, with sarcastic emphasis on the word very. It shows how he is too lazy to even say goodbye to his wife before he has her killed, she is no more use to him, just an obstacle in his way, therefore one that must be removed. This shows his determined ruthless side once more. He is prepared to have his wife murdered at the drop of an eyelid, in one quick request, no sweat, no regrets. Im sure he does not pause to think as he delivers this request, showing it does not take him long to decide other peoples fates, he is ruthless, decisive, with no remorse. It is merely another human being he has killed. Perhaps most importantly, he has Buckingham murdered. Up until Richard tells Buckingham he plans to murder Edward (a child) Buckingham had been his advisor, partner in crime, but as soon as he found out about this plot, Richard suspected him, outcast him, eventually had him killed. After Buckingham questioned Richards plot, Richard responds with a cold High reaching Buckingham grows circumspect which is saying You want the power yet this is a problem for you? Richard questions Buckinghams manhood from this point on suspects him up until he kills him. This is perhaps a main factor in whether Richard is a hero or a villain. Because he is so ungrateful, ruthless backstabbing to kill the person who did a lot of work in getting him where he is, it could classify him as a real villain. However, Buckingham could have been perceived by the audience as a sly, greedy character who had no relationship with the audience, so deserved his death for being ambitious, yet not completely unflinching. The audience may take Buckinghams murder as a sign of Richards ruthlessness, or slight cheekiness, so does not classify him as an outright hero or villain in itself. Overall, my personal verdict is that Richard III is a villain. His evil actions two-faced character contribute to his being a villain. His brazen evil his relentless back stabbing cannot possibly classify him as a hero. Granted, he can be an endearing character to the audience, but Elizabethan audiences would have regarded his deformity as a curse, would have ridiculed him for this. I believe Shakespeare wrote the character of Richard as a villain, someone who the audience hate to love, it does portray the Tudors as the rightful heirs to the throne.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
How to Conjugate Traverser (to Cross) in French
How to Conjugate Traverser (to Cross) in French The French verbà traverserà means to cross, as in to traverse something. That makes it a little easier to remember, though youll also need to know how to conjugate the verb. A short lesson will introduce you to the basic conjugations so you can use it in French to say things like I crossed or were crossing. The Basic Conjugations ofà Traverser French students who have studied other verbs will recognize the conjugation patterns used for traverser. Thats because this is a regular -er verb, meaning it follows the most common pattern found in the French language. If you have studied words like penser (to think) or porter (to carry), the infinitive endings used here will look familiar. The most common conjugations are the imperative mood for the present, future, and imperfect past tenses. Using the chart, locate the correct conjugation by matching the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense for the subject. This will tell you which ending is added to the verb stem ofà travers-. For example, I am crossing isà je traverseà and we crossed isà nous traversions Present Future Imperfect je traverse traverserai traversais tu traverses traverseras traversais il traverse traversera traversait nous traversons traverserons traversions vous traversez traverserez traversiez ils traversent traverseront traversaient The Present Participle of Traverser Adding an -ant ending to the stem of traverser gives you the present participle of traversant. Traverserà in the Compound Past Tense Theà passà © composà ©Ã is a compound past tense that is often used in French and you might find it easier than the imperfect. Thats because you only need to conjugate theà auxiliary verbà avoirà into the present tense to match the subject, then attach theà past participleà traversà ©. The construction is rather easy. For example, I crossed isà jai traversà ©Ã and we crossed isà nous avons traversà ©. Even thoughà avoirà is in the present tense, the past participle takes over the job of explaining that the action has already taken place. More Simple Conjugations ofà Traverser There are a number of other conjugations ofà traverserà and each has a different purpose, but were going to stick with the essentials for this lesson. As you expand your vocabulary, you might want to imply that the action of crossing may or may not happen. In that case, youll use the subjunctive. If, however, the crossing wont happen unless something else does, you can use the conditional.à On rare occasions, you might encounter the passà © simple or imperfect subjunctive. While theyre not essential additions to your French vocabulary, they are good to know. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je traverse traverserais traversai traversasse tu traverses traverserais traversas traversasses il traverse traverserait traversa traverst nous traversions traverserions traversmes traversassions vous traversiez traverseriez traverstes traversassiez ils traversent traverseraient traversrent traversassent Lets suppose that you need to tell someone to Cross! in an emergency or some other situation that requires a quick, short command. In these instances, you can turn to the imperativeà form of traverser. When using it, skip the subject pronoun and simply say, Traverse ! Imperative (tu) traverse (nous) traversons (vous) traversez
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Case study analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Case study analysis - Essay Example The APNPs are also expected to provide quality indicators that will assure the parents of the continued health of their children. They are however expected to act within a preset guideline that allows for structured assessment as required by the health regulators. It should also be noted that assessment is not a singular event that takes place when a child is brought in. instead, it is a continuous assessment process that dynamically changes in regard of the symptoms or results achieved with every assessment (American Academy of Paediatrics 2009:1233). It should be noted that an infant should be considered as sick unless it can be otherwise proven. This means that the APNP will have to get a good history of the illness and work on eliminating any possible illnesses until the most appropriate for the conditions observed after the assessments. As observed, child assessment is not a one-day affair. It is a continuous process that requires constant attention and keenness not to miss any cues or subtle signals that may pass unnoticed during initial testing (Barnes 2003:5). Thus, the report herein will look at the different attributes of the paediatric section and ways through which countries and researchers' advice on taking care of the children. To do this, the best method would be conducting an online search with the terms paediatric, emergency department, requirements and clinic being the key terms of reference. The search would be differentiated by how relevant the articles are on the topic of discussion. The results would then be used to provide an episodic care treatment for the sick Serena. Priorities At the moment, there are two important priorities that must take precedence in the case. First, a structured assessment is required. As noted above, the need for a continuous assessment is paramount with every step taken with deeper precaution. The dynamic nature of this assessment is also an integral part of the whole treatment regime (American Academy of Paedi atrics 2009:1233). Given the fact that particular signs and symptoms may not be as readily expressed as those of an adult or as an adult would express them, repeated observations and assessments require proper attention and vigilance to avoid a relapse or worsening of the present conditions. The paediatrics are supposed to ensure that that they have put all measures that point towards quality improvement by providing an avenue through which indicators of good outcomes, proper data collection and synthesis and clearly defined outcomes that provide evaluative measures of success to ensure quality is maintained in the ED (Barnes 2003:8-9). This also implies that paediatrics have to be flexible enough in their response to the different signs and symptoms that the child portrays after a given interval. This flexibility is also meant as an avenue through which the doctors consult on certain issues that may have arisen from their assessment and also eliminate other possibilities. The secon d priority is to have her admitted. Safety is one of the most important considerations when a child is involved. The fact that any release could lead to more fatal effects or worsening of the conditions already stated should be a pointer enough that there need to be a greater caution when dealing with infants. Unless the APNP is assured of the infantââ¬â¢s safety, Serena should remain in their custody till
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Early Islam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Early Islam - Research Paper Example Thus, contrary to what some outsiders may think, Islam did not appear as a separate or new religion. Rather, it confirmed the earlier messages of God to mankind (HQ, 6:92) and took the form of a completion of his messages. Islam therefore has a very close relationship with other religions. Indeed all prophets are seen as brothers, as demonstrated when the Holy Prophet led them all in prayer on the night of the ascension in Jerusalem. Prophet Muhammad is thus widely seen as the ââ¬ËSeal of the Prophetsââ¬â¢. In particular, Islam gives high regard to the ââ¬ËPeople of the Bookââ¬â¢, which refers to Jews and Christians. Allah advises Muslims not to dispute with them (except with better means or in the case of a wrong being inflicted) (HQ, 29:45-49). The beginning of Islam thus stretches back to the beginning of creation itself. The same one God, who sent earlier prophets to guide mankind, also sent the final prophet Muhammad (SAWS). The Quran also describes at length, the li ves of the prophets that were sent earlier, including Prophet Isa (Jesus) and Musa (Musa), peace be upon them all, among others. Racially, the Arabs share a common ancestry with the Jews. Both are viewed in Islam as the ââ¬ËChildren of Ibrahim (Abraham)ââ¬â¢. The linkage of these two races has also been proven genetically. The genetic signature of Prophet Harun (Aaron) has been shown to be CMH as the primary Y-marker, which is found among Jews and in high numbers among Arabs (Kleiman, 161-162). The two races were divided by Ibrahimââ¬â¢s (AS) sons. Whereas the Jews descend from the Prophet Ishaq (Isaac), the Arabs are descended from his brother Ismail (Ishmael), peace be upon them both. This also explains some of the tenets of Islam. For example, the hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) has its origins in the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), his wife Hajar and son Ismail (AS). The three were responsible for building the Kaââ¬â¢ba and finding the well of Zam-Zam (Ibrahim, 219). This holy family is thus respected not only by Jews but also by Muslims. In fact, Muslims regard Prophet Ibrahim (AS) not as a Jew as such, but a ââ¬ËHanifââ¬â¢ referring to his abhorrence for idolatry (Peters, 121). Similarly, prophet Musa (AS) played a significant role in the assigning of the five daily prayers obligatory on Muslims. The relationship between Prophet Isa (Jesus) and Prophet Muhammad is also very close but the Trinitarian Christians have elevated Jesusââ¬â¢ status to such an extent, by ascribing to him Godly qualities, that it becomes difficult to make them appreciate their connection. Suffice it to say, Prophet Isaââ¬â¢s (AS) life is covered in detail in the Holy Quran, including his life as a child that is not mentioned in the Holy Bible. Also, in Islam, Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is seen as the paraclete spoken of by Jesus Christ. Like Christians, Muslims also await the return of Jesus Christ in the end times. Some Christians even view Islam as an offshoot o f Christianity, as do for example, Ohlig & Puin in tracing its origins of its tenets to pre-Nicean, Syrian Christianity. However, this approach makes the mistake of attributing similarities to one (in this case Christianity) being the origin of the other (i.e. Islam), whereas similarities in beliefs and tenets actually show that both have a common origin. Hence, there are bound to be similarities because God had been sending his messages and prophets
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Why I Want to Teach Essay Example for Free
Why I Want to Teach Essay Why I Want to Teach A teacher is defined as someone who gives instruction as well as communicates skills. Teaching is on the top of my list of potential careers, though I am not certain it is going to be right for me. This essay should shed some light on my incentives and hesitations concerning education as a career path and Iââ¬â¢ll hopefully gain some insight as well. I can think of many positive reasons to become a teacher. For one, teachers do something relatively different every day and also get an entirely new class every year (in theory). This gives educators a huge opportunity to make a difference in an extraordinary amount of young lives. If I were to become a teacher, it would most likely be at the primary school level, not for the course material, but because of how much I enjoy being around kids. The past few summers I worked as a counselor at a day-camp for elementary aged children, which really showed me how enjoyable and fulfilling a child-centered job can be. I really like the thought of having a summer break for the rest of my career, as well, and not to mention snow days. Traveling is a passion of mine, therefore another reason I am considering teaching is that I would like to join the Peace Corps, teaching English as a second language in other countries. Though helping people in other countries is my goal, the largest part of why I want to become an educator can be attributed to the teachers whoââ¬â¢ve influenced me, positively and negatively. I have been inspired by teachers who had a passion for maki ng a difference in the lives of their students, and I have been motivated to surpass, in skill and influence, the sub-par teachers I have had. There are also a few negative aspects of teaching Iââ¬â¢d like to address. First and foremost, there is the issue of a teacherââ¬â¢s income, which is generally somewhat low. Though my career plans are not fiscally centered, paying for a higher education and then receiving a lower income than a garbage man or an air traffic controller is not something I find appealing. With teaching there is also a lot of bureaucracy that comes with the job; a lot of red tape, so to speak. Labor laws, non-performance-reflecting salaries, and standardized testing are just a few examples of this. Part of the bureaucracy within the education system can be attributed to the stigmaà involving teachers that goes ââ¬Å"Those who can, do; those who canââ¬â¢t, teachâ⬠which suggests, frustrating as it may be, how teaching as a profession is viewed by our society. They are few, but my hesitations regarding teaching are powerful nonetheless.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Essay --
The cardiac cycle is equilibrium to one complete heartbeat, first the atria contracts and then ventricles contract and then relax. This can be marked by the many changes in blood volume and pressure within the heart. While the heart is in complete relaxation (diastole) the pressure in the heart is very low, blood is flowing from the pulmonary and systemic circulations into the atria and on through to the ventricles; the semilunar valves are closed and the AV valves are open (Pearson, 475). Not long after atrial contraction occurs and atrial pressure increases, forcing residual blood into ventricles, then ventricular systole begins and intraventricular pressure increases swiftly, closing the AV valves. The ventricular pressure surpassed when this happens the semilunar valves are forced open, and the blood in the ventricular chambers is dispersed through the valves. In the course of this phase the aortic pressure reaches approximately 120mmHg in a healthy young adult. During ventricula r systole the atria relax and their chambers fill with blood, resulting in a gradual increase in atrial pressure (Martini, 684). At the end of ventricular systole, the ventricles relax: the semilunar valves closes shut (preventing backflow), and momentarily, the ventricles are closed chambers. The aortic semilunar valve snaps shut causing a quick increase in the aortic pressure, results from the elastic recoil of the aorta after the valve closes. As the ventricles relax, the pressure within them begins to drop. The average heart beats approximately 75 beats per minute, the length of the cardiac cycle is about 0.8 second (Martini,). There are sounds heard in the cardiovascular system result from turbulent blood flow. There are two unmistakable sounds ... ...ds have disappeared the diastolic pressure is recorded. After the data is collected you must then calculate your numbers to get your mean arterial pressure (MAP) using the formula two-thirds diastolic plus one-third systolic (MAP=2/3 diastolic + 1/3 systolic). Checking my pulse before and after light exercise I was able to obtain my cardiac output using the formula heart rate times stroke volume (CO=HR(SV)) because stroke volume varies with gender as well as body type professor Raj provides us with those numbers. After those numbers were calculated we were then able to measure the total peripheral resistance (TPR) using what information we already had using the formula MAP/CO. In the data that follows you will see the average for a group of 25 people for each mean arterial pressure, cardiac output, and total peripheral resistance before and after the light exercise.
Monday, January 13, 2020
The Effect of AIDS in America
Boom! The virus hit us all like a giant atomic bomb. Where did it come from? Why is it spreading? Why is it killing us all? These are a few of the many questions that arose during the first few years that the AIDS virus hit America. The AIDS virus has been a deadly disease ever since the first few cases were reported. After the first few reports of the AIDS virus, maximum precautions were taken, but the virus still spread. That was then, and now we are not preventing it. Since weâ⬠ve tripled our efforts to contain the virus, our results have not shown any impact in the amount of cases. That leads one to suspect that education of the virus is being emphasized in the wrong way to our society. For the America to conquer this virus, more education needs to be placed in the hands of African-Americans, children, and homosexuals. Anyone can be infected with the AIDS virus. This disease does not discriminate. People of all genders, race, ages, and nationalities are at risk (Internet). One of the problems resulting with the disease is that African-Americans, along with others, think that they are immune to this deadly virus. They believe that in America, it is a white gay disease. Although it originated in Africa, since white Americans brought it overseas, they are the only people who can get the disease. At least that is what African-Americans think. We as the ordinary people of the United States need to take education action. We need to show African-Americans that this is not some sort of Gods punishment on American white people. In our television ads, news articles, or any other way we distribute information about AIDS, we need to include the simple fact that this deadly virus does not discriminate. I believe that this will help lower the amount of African-American AIDS cases that we have in America. I believe that another problem facing the uninformed part of ordinary American society, is the fact that our children do not know enough about this deadly disease. Over 25,000 AIDS virus cases were reported involving children last year (Internet). Children can aquire the AIDS virus in two different basic fashions. For one, they can attain the deadly virus through a blood transfusion. Second of all, they can aquire the disease through being born into it. The only thing e can do for the children who need to have a blood transfusion is continue our blood screening medical advances, and continue the support of the doctors that make these medical advances. For the children who are born with the disease, well, we cannot do anything for these children exept treat them for the AIDS virus. These children were effected with the virus because of the fact that there parents did not take the proper safe sex precautions. Us ordinary people need to promote the education of parents about safe sex, and promote the education about safer blood transfusions. We need to make extra emphasis on this education because our children our the future of American society. Homosexuals these days seem to laugh in the face of danger. They laugh at oppressors,haters, and the AIDS virus. They believe that America has made so many medical advances, that they no longer need to worry about attaining the virus. They also believe that wearing a condom these days is a challenge to their manhood (Cunningham 703). Homosexuals were the original targets of the AIDS virus, as well as being labeled as the perpetrators of the disease in America. Ordinary society needs to continue the education of homosexuals by emphasizing that it still effects them as much as anyone else, if not more. The AIDS virus has swept through America like a giant sandstorm. We all know the basic facts about the virus, but all of us seem to be avoiding the statistics. AIDS still effects us as much as it always did, if not more. We as the ordinary society of America, need to push the proper forms of education about the deadly virus. We can no longer just sit around, let it take over our country, and just be satisfied with knowing the basics. We need to take imediate action.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Compare and Contrast - 1444 Words
Kellsey Fenley 10-28-09 Holly Jenkins. English 4- 101 Poison Apples and Glass Slippers Over time, Walt Disney films have captured the hearts of millions of people. In particular, women, ranging from toddlers to grandmothers, love and admire the captivating tales of the Disney Princesses. Cinderella and Snow White are two magnificent tales of princesses and the trials and tribulations each young lady is put through. Though these stories differ in some ways, such as conflict and plot, one can see that both stories show how important friendship is to overcoming obstacles and finding true love. ââ¬Å"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?â⬠In the enchanting tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, vanity is the trueâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦After her fatherââ¬â¢s untimely death, the true nature of her step family is revealed. Cinderellaââ¬â¢s stepmother and spiteful stepsisters abuse and mistreat Cinderella. These are only some of the trials that Cinderella has to face. Like Snow White, the villain in this story is also the step mother of the main character, Cinderella. In this story, vanity and jealousy are also the cause the conflict. The reason Cinderella is forced to wait on her stepfamily like a maid is because they are all envious of her beauty. Cinderella, like Snow White, has many friends that are crucial to her life. As Cinderella blossoms into a beautiful young woman who is kind despite her hardships, she befriends the animals that live in around her house. Cinderellaââ¬â¢s animal friends include: Bruno the bloodhound, Major the horse, and many of the mice and birds who live around the chateau. Cinderella finds a mouse inside a trap, releases him, and names him Octavius, Gus for short. She is also friends with a mouse named Jacques, Jaq for short, who is the leader of a mouse-pack. One day, after receiving an invite to the royal ball, Cinderella asks her stepmother if she may attend the ball. Her stepmother tells her that she may attend the ball only if she finishes her house work and can find a suitable dress to wear. Gus Jaq and all of Cinderellaââ¬â¢s other animal friends help her to complete her choresShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast1441 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Compare/ Contrast Essay First, letââ¬â¢s explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subjects similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subjects differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning-process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and its this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualitiesRead MoreCompare and Contrast1427 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Compare/ Contrast Essay First, letââ¬â¢s explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subjects similarities. 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